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Penn State announces fixed-term faculty promotions, effective July 1, 2017

Penn State's fixed-term faculty promotions have been announced, effective July 1. Credit: Curtis Chan / Penn State. Creative Commons

The following is a list of Penn State fixed-term faculty promotions, effective July 1.

Penn State's academic rank faculty promotions have also been announced.

The following individuals have been promoted to professor: 

Priti Dalal, anesthesiology and perioperative medicine, College of Medicine

William Elmendorf, ecosystem science and management, College of Agricultural Sciences

Gerald Harkins, obstetrics and gynecology, College of Medicine

Sangam Kanekar, radiology and neurology, College of Medicine

Mark Kozak, medicine and radiology, College of Medicine

Jeffrey Lubin, emergency medicine and public health sciences, College of Medicine

Heath Mackley, radiology, medicine and pediatrics, College of Medicine

Eileen Moser, medicine, College of Medicine

Robert Olympia, emergency medicine and pediatrics, College of Medicine

Rollyn Ornstein, pediatrics, College of Medicine

Michael Reed, surgery, College of Medicine

Raymond Reichwein, neurology, College of Medicine

David Richard, family and community medicine, College of Medicine

Stephen Ross, neurology, College of Medicine

Erika Saunders, psychiatry, College of Medicine

Matthew Silvis, family and community medicine and orthopaedics and rehabilitation, College of Medicine

Jennifer Toth, medicine and surgery, College of Medicine

Eric Walker, radiology, College of Medicine

The following individual has been promoted to librarian: 

Jane Ingold, University Libraries, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College

The following individuals have been promoted to senior lecturer/senior instructor: 

Abhinav Aima, communications, Penn State New Kensington

Luciana Aronne, chemistry, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College

Harold Aurand, American studies, Penn State Schuylkill

Amine Benkiran, mathematics, Eberly College of Science

Nathaniel Bohna, engineering, Penn State Fayette

Elizabeth Brantley, forestry, Penn State Mont Alto

Bernie Cerasaro, business, Penn State Greater Allegheny

Molly Countermine, human development and family studies, College of Health and Human Development

Brian Crosby, psychology, College of the Liberal Arts

Elizabeth Cutezo, nursing, College of Nursing

Milton Evans, nursing, College of Nursing, Penn State Worthington Scranton

Catherine Fiorillo, theater and speech, Penn State Schuylkill

John Fulton, sociology, College of the Liberal Arts

Carol Gaertner, mathematics, Eberly College of Science

Susana García Prudencio, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, College of the Liberal Arts

Borja Gutiérrez, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, College of the Liberal Arts

Steven Hair, mathematics, Eberly College of Science

Linda Hajec, accounting, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College

Nestor Handzy, mathematics, Eberly College of Science

Richard Hedderick, finance, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College

Sorin Huh, Asian studies, College of the Liberal Arts

Fred Hurvitz, marketing, Smeal College of Business (effective Jan. 1, 2017)

Michael Krajsa, business, Penn State Lehigh Valley

Adam Lupo, English, College of the Liberal Arts

Megan Marshall, agricultural and biological engineering, College of Agricultural Sciences

Leslie Mateer, English, College of the Liberal Arts

Elaine McDonnell, nutritional sciences, College of Health and Human Development

Gina Monks, mathematics, Penn State Hazleton

Michael Naber, geosciences, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College

Carol Putman, management, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College

Stefanie Rocco, Dutton e-Education Institute, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

Gail Snyder, public health sciences, College of Medicine

Stuart Stelly, English and theater, Penn State York

Carolyn Todd, marketing, Smeal College of Business (effective Jan. 1, 2017)

Jonathan Tuthill, agricultural economics, sociology, and education, College of Agricultural Sciences

Pepsi Umberger, kinesiology, Penn State New Kensington

Johanna Wagner, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, College of the Liberal Arts

David Wimer, psychology, College of the Liberal Arts

Nicole Young, mathematics, Penn State Hazleton

Michelle Zeiders, Dutton e-Education Institute, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

The following individual has been promoted to lecturer I: 

Barbara DeHart, biology, Eberly College of Science

The following individuals have been promoted to associate professor: 

Vinita Acharya, neurology, College of Medicine

Jonathan Anson, anesthesiology and perioperative medicine, College of Medicine

Faisal Aziz, surgery, College of Medicine

Gregory Billy, orthopaedics and rehabilitation and physical medicine and rehabilitation, College of Medicine

Catherine April Bingham, pediatrics, College of Medicine

Michael Darowish, orthopaedics and rehabilitation, College of Medicine

Todd Felix, family and community medicine, College of Medicine

Julio Fernandez-Mendoza, psychiatry, College of Medicine

Susan Glod, medicine, College of Medicine

Jed Gonzalo, medicine and public health sciences, College of Medicine

Judie Ann Howrylak, medicine, public health sciences, and biochemistry and molecular biology, College of Medicine

Dongsheng Jiang, family and community medicine, College of Medicine

Matthew Kaag, surgery, College of Medicine

Hyun-Min Mike Kim, orthopaedics and rehabilitation, College of Medicine

Sang Lee, neurosurgery, College of Medicine

Anita Malhotra, anesthesiology and perioperative medicine and medicine, College of Medicine

Evangelos Messaris, surgery, College of Medicine

Jennifer Miller, pediatrics, College of Medicine

Alexander Payatakes, orthopaedics and rehabilitation, College of Medicine

Ariana Pichardo-Lowden, medicine, College of Medicine

Nazia Raja-Khan, medicine and obstetrics and gynecology, College of Medicine

Niraja Rajan, anesthesiology and perioperative medicine, College of Medicine

Marc Schaefer, pediatrics, College of Medicine

Scott Simon, neurosurgery, College of Medicine

Chunhua Song, pediatrics, College of Medicine

Andry Van de Louw, medicine, College of Medicine

Gregory Weller, anesthesiology and perioperative medicine, College of Medicine

J. Christopher Zacko, neurosurgery, College of Medicine

Jay Zimmermann, family and community medicine, College of Medicine

The following individual has been promoted to associate instructional professor: 

John Cameron, management and organization, Penn State Great Valley

The following individuals have been promoted to clinical associate professor: 

Christoph Hinkelmann, finance, Smeal College of Business

Lisa O’Hara, management and organization, Smeal College of Business

The following individuals have been promoted to senior research associate: 

David Babb, meteorology and atmospheric science, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

Justine Blanford, Dutton e-Education Institute, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

Hedong Li, biology, Eberly College of Science

Natasha Miles, meteorology and atmospheric science, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

The following individual has been promoted to assistant professor: 

Andrea Benton, obstetrics and gynecology, College of Medicine

Andrew Geronimo, neurosurgery, College of Medicine

Ashley Snyder, medicine, College of Medicine

The following individual has been promoted to clinical assistant professor: 

Christopher Solo, supply chain and analytics, Smeal College of Business

The following individual has been promoted to assistant teaching professor: 

Steve Dillen, electrical engineering, Penn State Altoona

Last Updated October 11, 2017