UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The Penn State Faculty Senate began its first session of the 2019-20 academic year on Sept. 17 by outlining a vision for aligning the work of the Senate in support of the “One Penn State 2025” initiative unveiled by Penn State President Eric Barron last year.
Faculty Senate Chair Nicholas Rowland has identified supporting One Penn State 2025 as a central component of the Senate’s work this year. The executive committee to implement the One Penn State 2025 initiative, which aims to position the University as a leader in higher education in the realm of student success and lifelong engagement, includes significant input and representation from the Faculty Senate.
Yvonne Gaudelius, associate vice president and senior dean for undergraduate education, informed the Senate during a special informational report that 11 of the Senate’s 15 standing committees have been charged with specific goals in aligning the work of the Senate with One Penn State 2025’s five guiding principles: provide a seamless student experience, achieve curricular coherence, design relevant and responsive programs, engage learners throughout their lifetimes and achieve the highest level of efficiency of University resources.
Additionally, 14 of the Senate’s 15 committees have been tasked with articulating how One Penn State 2025 impacts the work and goals of each specific committee.
Updates from University leadership
Penn State President Barron welcomed the Senate to the fall 2019 semester and shared that 2019 marks the second year in a row with no tuition increase for in-state students, demonstrating the efforts of University leadership to control costs and maximize efficiency across the University as part of Penn State’s focus on access and affordability.
Executive Vice President and Provost Nick Jones updated the Senate on several ongoing dean searches, and informed the Senate of two recent clarifications of University policy based on concerns previously raised by members of Faculty Senate.
Jones indicated that Penn State will now base decisions of residency, as it affects tuition, on the recent domicile of applicants. He also explained that the University will update its late fee policy so fees stop accruing after the semester in which a late fee is initially incurred, a change designed to benefit the affected students.
Jones also noted the University is making several significant updates to its budget planning process, including eliminating the distinction between “permanent” and “temporary” funds, incorporating more robust five-year planning at the individual unit level, and simplifying other elements of the process in line with best practices. More information on the evolving budgeting model for Penn State is expected to be released in the coming weeks.
Additional business
The Senate also:
- Passed an updated attendance policy designed to encourage attendance of Senate committee meetings and to be “more instructive, and less punitive” than the previous policy, according to past-chair of the committee on committees and rules Keith Shapiro;
- Received an update on the results of a survey gauging employee satisfaction with Aetna as Penn State’s health insurance administrator;
- And heard a report on undergraduate and medical student research opportunities and the benefits they provide to both students and faculty.
The next meeting of the Penn State Faculty Senate will be held on Oct. 29 at 1:30 p.m. in 102 Kern Graduate Building.