Penn State's Commission on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Equity celebrated its 10th anniversary in the Fall of 2001, with a banquet and a conference on gender and sexuality studies. The guest speaker at the banquet was noted author Barbara Smith, and at the conference was Professor of Law John Culhane, whose research on same-sex domestic partnerships was quoted by the Vermont Supreme Court in upholding those partnerships in Vermont. As part of the CLGBTE's anniversary, historical materials were converted to CD-ROM, and are being formatted for inclusion in the library's digital archives, to be accessible through LIAS. Members of the CLGBTE participated in the external review of diversity at Penn State, the review process of the Framework to Enhance Diversity at Penn State: 1998-2003, reviewing the diversity strategic plans of academic and administrative units within the University at all locations. The CLGBTE also worked closely with the new Director of the Center for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Allies Center, administratively housed in Student Affairs. The final highlight of the year was the Spring Awards Reception, at which annual awards were presented and the first Lavender Graduation was held.

New co-chairs for the CLGBTE in 2002-2003 are Liz Jenkins (University Park), and Louie Campbell (Altoona College), The new co-chair elect for 2003-2004 is Dan Trevino (University Park). For more information, go to:

Last Updated March 19, 2009