New Kensington

Did You Know?

Want to see what was happening on the day you were born? Penn State Libraries has subscribed to New York Times Historical, 1851-1999, a Web database containing full page images of every page that has appeared in the New York Times (including ads). You can search for front page stories on any date, birthday, wedding anniversary, etc., right from your own computer. To access the database, go to the Blissell Library home page,, click on Fast Track, then New York Times Historical. Put your mouse over the orange "Search Methods" tab, and choose "Guided" from the dropdown menu. In the "seach for' field, type in "pdn" followed by the date in parenthesis, using the (mm/dd/yyyy) format. In the fifth box on the left, choose front page from the dropdown menu. Hit the search button and viola! All the news that's fit to print is at your fingertips.

Last Updated March 19, 2009