
Collection continues for Herbstritt memorial fund

Funds are continuing to be collected for the "The United Way Memorial Fund for Jeremy Herbstritt." This fund is available for all Penn State students, employees and the entire community to make donations in memory of Jeremy Herbstritt, a Penn State graduate who died in the April 16 mass shooting on the Virginia Tech campus. Herbstritt's father is a Penn State employee.

The Office of Physical Plant, Centre County United Way and the Nittany Bank on South Atherton Street in State College have set up a special fund. The accumulated funds will be available for Jeremy's parents, Mike and Peg Herbstritt, to use as they best see fit. This could be to defray expenses or anything they determine appropriate to provide a memorial to Jeremy. There will be no administrative fee charged for this fund, so 100 percent of donations will go to the Herbstritt family. Contributions can be mailed to the following address: Lloyd Rhoades, 149 Physical Plant Building, University Park, PA 16802.

Anyone wishing to donate by credit card can go to the United Way Web site online. Make sure to state that the donation is to go to "The Jeremy Herbstritt Memorial Fund."

People also may donate at any Nittany Bank via cash, credit card or check made out to the "Jeremy Herbstritt Memorial Fund." Customers of Nittany Bank's Web bill paying program can make a payment to the "Jeremy Herbstritt Memorial Fund" there. 

Last Updated March 19, 2009
