Faculty and Staff

Faculty and Staff News of Record: Promotions April 29, 2010


Ronda L. Armstrong, groundskeeper landscape A in Office of Physical Plant

Annette G. Bloom, sales attendant in Housing and Food Services

Wade S. Fetterolf, power plant worker in Office of Physical Plant

William E. Gillmen, environmental systems technician in Office of Physical Plant

Michael W. Gray, maintenance mechanic B at Penn State York

James D. Jeffries, mechanic A, waste-water treatment plant in Office of Physical Plant

Jack S. Martinez, area landscape maintenance worker in Office of Physical Plant

Brian J. Reese, building maintenance worker in Student Affairs

Jason B. Robertson, building maintenance worker in Student Affairs

Patricia A. Robinson, catering worker A in Housing and Food Services

Daniel J. Snyder, utility meter and backflow technician in Office of Physical Plant Prevention

Joseph A. Walk, maintenance worker, utility in Applied Research Laboratory

Christopher S. Wesesky, steam plant worker in Office of Physical Plant

Richard S. Zerby, electronics technician, fire and security systems in Office of Physical Plant



Jin S. An, multimedia specialist in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

Susan M. Anderson, disability specialist in the Office of the President

Dana Aina Advising, program coordinator in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

Amanda Ault, staff assistant VII in College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

William J. Ballock, assistant engineering aide in Applied Research Laboratory

Melissa K. Bailey, administrative support assistant in College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

Tracy A. Bernier, administrative support coordinator in College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

Rhonda L. Boonie, administrative support assistant in College of Information Sciences and Technology

Brian S. Bonsell, information technology specialist in Housing and Food Services

Jennifer Boyer, programmer/analyst in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

Joetta R. Bradica, director student aid programs in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

David A. Brown, supervisor trades II in Office of Physical Plant

Kevin G. Bryerton, supervisor trades III in Office of Physical Plant

Anna Butler, administrative support assistant in Office of the President

Adam Caimi, information technology manager in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

Robert L. Cain, architect III in Applied Research Laboratory

Scott J. Cingle, supervisor of property inventory in Corporate Controller’s Office

Ryan Y. Coleman, system administrator in Information Technology Services

Sally L. Cord, associate director in Electro-Optics Center

Kadi K. Corter, staff assistant VIII in Office of the President

Myrna A. Covington, lead counselor in College of Education

Suzanne Cruit, senior client development manager at Penn State Great Valley

Vickie Cunningham, senior engineering aide in Applied Research Laboratory

Suzanne Deebel, administrative support assistant in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

Rochelle Dehaas, foreman operations and maintenance in Applied Research Laboratory

Barbara Dennis, coordinator publications and promotions at Penn State York

Kenton L. Dutrow, supervisor trades II in Office of Physical Plant

Melissa B. Duttry, director enrollment management at Penn State DuBois

Vincent A. Falvo, director, financial analysis and planning in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

Lindsey R. Faussette, program manager I in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

Trevor D. Flick, database specialist in Office of the President

Larry C. Frazier, supervisor trades II in Office of Physical Plant

Julie L. Evak, administrative support coordinator in College of Communications

Cheryl A. Gardner, manager of financial operations in Corporate Controller’s Office

Alyssa R. Gendron, research support technician II in College of Agricultural Sciences

David A. Gildea, associate director in undergraduate admissions in Office of Vice President and Dean for Undergraduate Education

Michael Giornesto, systems design specialist in Applied Research Laboratory

Walter T. Godissart, supervisor trades II in Office of Physical Plant

Brian K. Heckman, senior marketing associate in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

Matthew R. Heller, senior data management analyst in Applied Research Laboratory

Rebecca S. Herring, administrative support assistant at Penn State Harrisburg

Stephanie Himes, administrative support coordinator at Penn State Altoona

Robert L. Horner, assistant engineering aide in Applied Research Laboratory

Jeffrey D. Hotchkiss, publications supervisor II in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

Glenda J. Hunter, staff assistant VII in Business Services

Anthony P. Intorre, information technology specialist in the College of Arts and Architecture

Laurie A. Joyce, administrative support assistant in Housing and Food Services

Farah B. Kauffman, curriculum coordinator in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

Brianne E. Kepler, staff assistant VII in The Smeal College of Business

Robert Kormanic, senior engineering aide in Applied Research Laboratory

Victoria Kovatto, administrative support assistant in College of Communications

Ronald C. Krause, human resources generalist in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

Daniel J. Loht, producer/director in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

Marc A. Lubbers, director in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

Cheryl L. Lukaschunis, assistant engineering aide in Applied Research Laboratory

Amy Luzier, assistant research funds coordinator in Applied Research Laboratory

Joanna Lyons, assistant director in Office of Senior Vice President for Research

Connie J. McCartney, manager, housing services I, Housing and Food Services

Samuel A. Martella, senior engineering aide in Applied Research Laboratory

Carol H. Mellott, assistant coordinator research funds in College of the Liberal Arts

James Mickey, senior engineering aide in Applied Research Laboratory

Laura L. Miller, marketing manager I in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

Mary E. Montminy, senior administrative data analyst in College of Health and Human Development

Charles R. Moore, information technology manager in Student Affairs

Jennifer M. Moore, marketing manager I in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

Alex G. Novak, senior project associate in College of the Liberal Arts

Benjamin L. Nunamaker, assistant engineering aide in Applied Research Laboratory

Glenn A. Pancoast, facility project manager in Applied Research Laboratory

Rebecca A. Pennington, director student affairs at Penn State DuBois

Jean B. Peritz, director undergraduate academic services in College of Information Sciences and Technology

Charlene L. Peters, lead counselor in College of the Liberal Arts

Margaret P. Potter, research compliance coordinator II in College of the Liberal Arts

Tammy L. Rider, senior research coordinator in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

Roxanne M. Rishel, senior engineering aide in Applied Research Laboratory

Eric S. Rook, programmer/analyst in Information Technology Services

Damian T. Rose, engineering III in Applied Research Laboratory

Colleen Ross, supervisor trades III in Office of Physical Plant

Dennis W. Royer, supervisor trades III in Office of Physical Plant

Diane M. Rudy, accounting assistant IV in College Agricultural Sciences

Susan D. Sampsell, financial officer VII in Corporate Controller’s Office

Gregory E. Seeger, senior engineering aide in Applied Research Laboratory

Carl L. Seybold, system design specialist in Information Technology Services

Niharika Sharma, coordinator research and administrative services in Office of the President

Linda L. Shope, administrative support assistant in College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

Sarah S. Simmonds, research technician II in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

Lori A. Smith, administrative support assistant in the Office of University Board of Trustees

Sandra L. Smithmyer, coordinator research students in College of Health and Human Development

Amy Stever Senior, program manager in College of Information Sciences and Technology

Robert Z. Summerson, embedded systems development specialist in Applied Research Laboratory

Philip S. Swanzy, system administrator in Office of the President

Lisa B. Sykes, associate coordinator grants and contracts in Applied Research Laboratory

Patricia A. Tabb, staff assistant VI at Penn State York

Angie D. Taylor, manager financial and administrative services in Information Technology Services

Holly A. Temple, assistant director career services in Student Affairs

Debra Thurley, assistant director in Office of Senior Vice President of Research

Courtney L. Vail, programmer/analyst in Office of Physical Plant

Tracy Walker, assistant director, Housing and Food Services, Commonwealth Campus

Theresa J. Walter, payroll manager in Corporate Controller’s Office

Lisa L. Watkins, accountant in Corporate Controller’s Office

Jessica Watson, administrative support assistant in College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

Amy J. Weaver, network systems coordinator in Office of Physical Plant

Samantha J. Weaver, human resources generalist in Office of Senior Vice President for Research

Carrie A. Wendorf, administrative support assistant in Division of Development and Alumni Relations

Jason R. Wilson, system design specialist in Information Technology Services

Kathryn B. Yahner, publications editor in University Libraries







Last Updated August 12, 2010
