
Alumni Association launches new website

Launching a new website turns out to be like launching a ship. After a long period of design and construction, the champagne bottle is smashed across the bow and it’s off. The new Penn State Alumni Association website at launched June 30 to rave reviews.

The new site includes favorite sections from the legacy site -- lists of Alumni Association groups, upcoming events and career help -- but information is reorganized under sections titled “Favorites,” “About Us” and “How Do I?” Alumni can more easily locate their brick on the Alumni Walk or find a nearby chapter. Click on “Buy Stuff” for Penn State license plates, clothing, jewelry, and Penn State Elms Collection furniture and frames.

But since some info and sections have been moved around, renamed and better organized to provide easier access, some users might encounter a broken link or discover a bookmark that no longer whisks them to a favorite page. While broken links can be fixed, some bookmarks might be casualties of reorganized web pages so users may need to update their links.

Check out the new look here.

Last Updated September 14, 2010
