
PSU4PA: Penn State helps rural county residents manage water sources

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- With the state's largest rural population, Westmoreland County has "a huge need" for the kind of information and services that only Penn State can provide, says Greg Phillips, CEO and district manager of the Westmoreland Conservation District.

“If Penn State wasn’t here to back us up … we’d have to cover it with our existing staff, and they’re already stretched to the max,” Phillips says.

One service Penn State provides the county is the expertise of a Cooperative Extension water-quality specialist, who educates residents on safe practices and helps landowners deal with contaminated water supplies.

Find out how Westmoreland County is taking advantage of Penn State’s resources, research, and reputation for high-quality expertise: /video/152870/2013/02/08/video-no-title.

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Credit: Penn StateCreative Commons

How does Penn State reach out to the county that has the highest rural population in the state with resources, research, and even a shared employee? Greg Phillips, the CEO/District manager of the Westmoreland Conservation District, explains how partnering with Penn State Extension improves the quality of life for Westmoreland County residents. 

Last Updated April 10, 2012