Campus Life

Registration open for summer breastfeeding classes

June, July and August classes available through the Learning Resource Network

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Registration is now open for the June, July and August sections of the Penn State Breastfeeding Support Program’s two monthly breastfeeding classes.

Both classes are taught by an IBCLC — an international board certified lactation consultant — so all information provided is supported by the latest research. The IBCLC also draws on her experience from working with mothers and babies for more than 15 years. 

PSU-140, Basics of Breastfeeding, covers information needed to prepare for breastfeeding during the early weeks. Topics include normal newborn behavior, establishing milk supply, positioning and latch, and how to tell if baby is getting enough milk.

PSU-141, Working and Breastfeeding, covers information related to combining work/student life and breastfeeding. Topics include planning for return to work or class, milk pumping and storage, and bottle feeding a breastfed baby.

To view class dates or register for a class, visit the Learning Resource Network at

Last Updated May 9, 2018