Arts and Entertainment

MLK student posters displayed through Feb. 28 in Pattee Library

Entries explore 2018 MLK Commemoration theme, ‘Deconstructing the Dream: At Whose Expense?’

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Penn State student poster entries from the annual contest to represent the 33rd annual Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration Week at the University Park campus are on display through Feb. 28 in Penn State University Libraries’ Sidewater Commons, first floor Pattee Library.

The exhibition features 20 poster design submissions based on the theme “Deconstructing the Dream: At Whose Expense?” for this year’s MLK Commemoration by students in the graphic design course GD 400: Time and Sequence.

Senior graphic design student Addie Ruston’s original poster was chosen to represent the event by the 30-member MLK planning committee, composed of students, staff and faculty. Her poster is featured in a Central Pattee Library lobby display case adjacent to the entrance to Sidewater Commons.

A complementary exhibit chronicling the life and work of Martin Luther King Jr. using resources available at the University Libraries is in the second Central Pattee Library lobby display case, adjacent to the first floor Leisure Reading Room.

Addie Ruston, a Penn State senior studying graphic design, created the poster selected to represent the 33rd Annual MLK Jr. Commemoration Week on the University Park campus. Credit: Adalaide Ruston. All Rights Reserved.

Last Updated January 15, 2018
