College Profile: Miranda Witherite

Name: Miranda Witherite
Title: Administrative Support Assistant
Department: Curriculum and Instruction Field Experiences (CIFE)
Phone: 814-865-1734
Office Address: 170 Chambers Building 
Directory entry:

Witherite serves as the primary staff assistant for the Curriculum and Instruction Field Experiences (CIFE) Office. In this role, she provides support to the CIFE director, coordinators, supervisors and students. She also assists students with the student teaching process, including student teaching applications, course enrollment and required clearances. She reviews Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) 430 evaluation forms for student certifications and communicates with the Advising and Certification Center and supervisors when changes need to be made. Witherite also coordinates with the assessment and certification coordinator and academic program directors to identify data needed for assessment and accreditation purposes and reports. She creates and maintains files and databases for field experience and course information needed for assessment and accreditation, including student and course evaluations, sample student projects and PDE forms. She also compiles and organizes information from different sources (e.g., field observations, seminar sessions) to develop assessment reports for program directors and leads.

Miranda Witherite, administrative support assistant for Curriculum and Instruction Field Experiences (CIFE) in the College of Education. Credit: College of EducationAll Rights Reserved.

Last Updated November 29, 2017