College Profile: Michael Tocimak

Name: Michael Tocimak
Title: Financial Assistant
Department: Learning and Performance Systems
Phone: 814-863-3490
Office Address: 301 Keller Building
Directory entry:

Tocimak is the financial assistant to the Department of Learning and Performance Systems, where his is responsible for processing wage payroll and processing graduate assistant appointments. He also oversees cash deposits for the department, resolves purchasing cards and processes Special Request For Check (SRFC) forms. Tocimak works with faculty and staff to complete Employee Reimbursement System (ERS) reports, monitors expenditures, resolves financial discrepancies, and processes travel reimbursements. He works closely with staff of the College of Education Research Office to ensure expenditures on research budgets are reasonable and accurate. In addition to his other duties, Tocimak serves as the facility and safety coordinator for the Keller Building.

Mike Tocimak, proposal and award generalist for the Office of Grants and Contracts in the College of Education. Credit: Penn StateCreative Commons

Last Updated July 5, 2017