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Talk to focus on new National Institutes of Health rules

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Directors from Penn State's Office for Research Protections will present a 15-minute overview on the recent and upcoming changes to National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded research at noon on May 2 in 112 Henderson Building.

The presentation, "The New NIH Rules in 15 Minutes: What Researchers in the Health, Life and Social/Behavioral Sciences Need to Know Now," will focus on the NIH's definition of clinical trials, required Good Clinical Practices training, registration, and single Institutional Review Board review requirements.

The event is intended to help research teams understand what new rules might apply to them, as well as find additional resources.

The event will also be available online via Zoom. Participants may log in to to attend.

The talk is sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research, the Clinical and Translational Science Institute, the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences, and the Social Science Research Institute.

Last Updated April 10, 2017