
Committee approves second phase of East Halls renovation plan

As part of the East Halls renovation plan, a new seven-story, 119,100 square-foot residence hall will be constructed. The new building will include 413 beds in double rooms along with shared private bathrooms. Credit: Penn State / Penn State. Creative Commons

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. – The Penn State Board of Trustees Committee on Finance, Business and Capital Planning today (Feb. 23) recommended the final plan approval and expenditure of funds for the next phase of the long-term initiative to renovate all of the East residence halls on the University Park campus. The projects will be presented to the full board for a vote on Friday (Feb. 24).

Phase 1b includes construction of a new residence hall and the renovation of Pennypacker and McKean halls, as well as site and utility work. As with Phase 1a of the project, which was approved in February 2016, the addition of a new residence hall during the second phase is expected to accommodate the need for space created by the continued renovations to the East Halls residential complex.

McKean and Pennypacker halls will be updated as part of the East Halls renovation project. Plans include moveable furniture in dormitory rooms, replacement of aging and inefficient building systems, private bathrooms in the center of each floor, connection to the campus chilled water system for air conditioning, improvements to the exterior appearance, ADA accessibility upgrades and an apartment for a Residence Life professional. Credit: Penn State / Penn State. Creative Commons

East Halls Renovation, Phase 1b

The new residence hall in the second phase of the East Halls project will be a 119,100-square-foot, seven-story building along Curtin Road. It will feature 413 beds in double rooms – the type with the highest demand – along with shared private bathrooms. The hall also will boast an apartment for a Residence Life professional and common areas and gathering spaces on the first floor, including study, collaboration and seminar spaces; a kitchen; a quiet/meditation room; music practice rooms; and a laundry room. An open lounge is planned for the center of each upper floor.

The renovation of McKean and Pennypacker halls maintains their existing bed counts of 273 each, mostly in double rooms, with moveable furniture in each room. It also includes replacement of aging and inefficient building systems, private bathrooms in the center of each floor, connection to the campus chilled water system for air conditioning, improvements to the exterior appearance, ADA accessibility upgrades and an apartment for a Residence Life professional.

Site improvements during this phase include improved and accessible pedestrian and parking areas, updated recreational spaces and landscaping, and a consolidated refuse collection area.

The committee recommended approval of the project budget for Phase 1b of $106 million, with the funding coming from self-supported borrowing and Housing and Food Service reserves.

Last Updated June 18, 2021