
Crop Mobs event to be hosted by Sustainable Ag Club

State College Crob Mobs at Jade Family Farms Credit: Hannah HallidayAll Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- Crop Mobs, a project started by a small group of Penn State students in the fall of 2013, will host an event to showcase how they plan to connect the community and farmers in a fresh and creative way. The event is set for 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 4, in 371 Willard Building and is open to the public.

Crop Mobs aims to join those who grow our food and the community in a way that is always learning, growing and sharing. A “mob” will head out to a farm to help with a normally laborious and time-consuming project. In-turn, the students learn from the farmer from shared stories about life on the farm and the practices they are integrating to work with the ecosystems around them, as well as a communal meal supplemented with fresh products straight from the farm.

Crop Mobs meal at Jade Family Farms Credit: Hannah HallidayAll Rights Reserved.

Crop Mob team members Anna Schwyter and Emily Pennock will introduce the new project to the community and to the University; and embrace the relationships between farmers and community members.

“Food links everyone together,” said Schwyter. “This is such an exciting opportunity to build a network and increase hands-on education about local foods.”

The informational meeting will begin with a presentation by the State College Crop Mobs team at 7 p.m. March 4, followed by questions and answers, idea sharing, networking and brainstorming.

“My hope is that students, faculty and community members alike feel like they are a part of building this community centered around something so essential and enriching: sustainable agriculture supporting local foods,” said Pennock.

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Last Updated February 27, 2014
