UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — THON 2014, Penn State's 42nd annual Dance Marathon, concluded its annual 46-hour THON Weekend Sunday (Feb. 23) at the Bryce Jordan Center by raising raising a record-breaking $13,343,517.33 in the fight against pediatric cancer.
THON 2014 'redefines the possibilities' with $13.3 million for pediatric cancer
Another THON Weekend, another record-setting year for Penn State students — THON raises $13.3 million in the fight against pediatric cancer.
THON raises another record total for Four Diamonds. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
February 23, 2014
THON raises another record total for Four Diamonds. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Gabrielle Tollok, a member of the THON Rules & Regulations Committee and a senior rehabilitation and human services major from Bucks County, right, attached a bracelet to Brenna Nicosia of State College, a communications major who is at THON in support of Gamma Phi Beta. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
The doors are open at the Bryce Jordan Center and the arena is filling up in advance of the start of THON 2014. Tyler Hoge of Erie, a junior studying finance, was one of the first spectators through the door. He's attending THON in support of Pillar. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Sharmila Sandirasegarane and the rest of the 708 dancers arrived at the Bryce Jordan Center through a human tunnel in advance of the start of THON 2014. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Logan Bryan, 4, son of Crystal Bryan of Lititz, cuddles with the Nittany Lion before the start of THON. Crystal was a THON child, and now is counted among the survivors of childhood cancer. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
The Penn State Dance Alliance performed during Pre-THON on Friday, Feb. 21, at the Bryce Jordan Center. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Ryan Patrick and other members of the 2014 THON Executive Committee gave the countdown Feb. 21 to kick off THON. Credit: Bill Zimmerman / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON Moralers did the line dance to show the dancers the moves before they learned the steps Friday, Feb. 21, at the Bryce Jordan Center. The 21 on the backs of the Moralers stands for 20 Moraler captains and 1 Moraler director. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON 2014 kicked off Feb. 21 with lots of games in the Bryce Jordan Center. Credit: Bill Zimmerman / Penn State. Creative Commons
High in the stands of Penn State's Bryce Jordan Center, supporters show their diamonds to encourage the dancers on the floor as they kick off THON 2014 and 46 hours of no-sitting, no-sleeping dancing to fight pediatric cancer. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON participants snapped away at the start of Penn State's THON 2014 on Feb. 21. Credit: Bill Zimmerman / Penn State. Creative Commons
Dancers practiced the line dance Feb. 21 at THON 2014. Credit: Bill Zimmerman / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON child Kaylahni Laboy, 5, squirts water into a crowd of dancers as Penn State Junior Jill Kile spins her around in the Bryce Jordan Center arena Friday during THON 2014's kickoff. Credit: Michelle Bixby / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON Moraler Meredith Moore, a Penn State senior, leads her dancer, Penn State senior Dan Gomez, through the Bryce Jordan Center arena Friday. Credit: Michelle Bixby / Penn State. Creative Commons
Dancers syncronize the Four Diamonds hand signal during the line dance Friday at the Bryce Jordan Center after THON 2014 kicked off. Credit: Michelle Bixby / Penn State. Creative Commons
Moralers pump up the energy on the floor a few hours into THON Friday. Credit: Michelle Bixby / Penn State. Creative Commons
Four Diamonds Family twins Amarie and Alexis Gerenas take a ride on the shoulders of ATLAS members Kevin Cass and Clara Etter, Friday night during THON 2014 at the Bryce Jordan Center. ATLAS is a special interest student group that raises funds for THON. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
Distinguished by their colorful hats, the "American Shawtys" -- one of the THON 2014 operations teams -- empty trash receptacles on Friday night. Operations is responsible for keeping the Bryce Jordan Center clean and tidy for everyone during the weekend. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON kids Mikayla Miller, front, and her sister, Raeann, toss beach balls with each other and their younger sister, Miranda, as the dancing gets under way Friday night at the Bryce Jordan Center for THON 2014. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON child Kaitlin Buser watches the stage as her father, Vincent, carries her on his shoulders, during the THON 2014 kickoff Friday night at the Bryce Jordan Center. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
Penn State majorette Jen Chelko, left, shows moraler Emma Wilson, a junior in psychology from Hershey, Pa., and dancer Audrey Zanath, a Penn State Beaver sophomore in secondary education in English from Aliquippa, Pa., how to twirl batons on Friday night at THON 2014. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
At mail call on the morning of Feb. 22, THON dancers received care packages full of photos, letters of encouragement, games and other items to help pass the time at the 46-hour dance marathon. Credit: Bill Zimmerman / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON dancers hit the Slides of Strength -- a slide on a baby powdered-mat with a brief massage at the end -- Feb. 22 at the Bryce Jordan Center. Credit: Bill Zimmerman / Penn State. Creative Commons
Members of the THON 2014 Operations Committee kept the Bryce Jordan Center dancefloor clean Feb. 22. Credit: Bill Zimmerman / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON dancers fueled up during the morning of Feb. 22 at Day 2 of THON 2014. Credit: Bill Zimmerman / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON dancers continued to hone their steps for the line dance Feb. 22 at THON 2014. Credit: Bill Zimmerman / Penn State. Creative Commons
The Penn State Juggling Club provided entertainment Feb. 22 during the second day of THON 2014. Credit: Bill Zimmerman / Penn State. Creative Commons
Lion Line, Penn State's telefund organization, has been busy all weekend, calling alumni to raise money for THON. To donate, call 1-800-392-THON. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON child and aspiring Nittany Lion, Layn Burger shows he knows his stuff as he does one-handed pushups on stage during the Four Diamonds fashion show on Saturday, Feb. 22, at the Bryce Jordan Center for THON 2014. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
The crowd gets a soaking as Four Diamonds child Emma and her Army take the stage during the fashion show at THON 2014 on Saturday, Feb. 22. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON dancer Emily Rose Kinzel was led backward through the hallway by her Moraler mid-day Saturday. Walking backward takes more concentration than walking forward, so it is a technique used to help dancers when they're having difficulty during the 46-hour no-sitting, no-sleeping event held to raise money for the Four Diamonds Fund. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON dancer Taylor Metts did some coloring on Saturday afternoon. Dancers have a variety of activities throughout the weekend to keep them active and alert. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
The Nittany Lion takes Four Diamonds child Brooke Schultz, 4, of Mechanicsburg, for a twirl on stage during THON 2014 on Saturday, Feb. 22, at the Bryce Jordan Center. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON participants occupy themselves with table activites during day two of THON 2014. Credit: Michelle Bixby / Penn State. Creative Commons
Nearly 24 hours into THON, dancer David Greenberg does stretches with the help of Moraler Lori Shapiro. Credit: Michelle Bixby / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON dancer Samantha Caiarelli proudly displays her freshly shorn hair, which she donated Saturday to make wigs for kids who are undergoing cancer treatments. Credit: Michelle Bixby / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON hospitality volunteer Tatiana Waltz blows bubbles in the arena Saturday during day two of THON. Credit: Michelle Bixby / Penn State. Creative Commons
Wackadoodle the clown of Allentown hands a balloon flower to a dancer Saturday during THON 2014. Credit: Michelle Bixby / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON supporters Troy Stephens, left, and Jeremy Jordan do the Harlem Shake on the floor during their THON visitation. Credit: Michelle Bixby / Penn State. Creative Commons
Students from the College of Nursing work a medical station just off the floor at THON. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Blue Band member and THON dancer Madeline Larson takes a direct hit from a squirt gun as her father, Dan Larson, looks on, Saturday afternoon at THON. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
While everyone else was cheering on those running down the mats during Slides of Strength, Four Diamonds family member Evan Lightner, 4, of Carlisle, had fun drawing in the powder. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON dancer Wesley Dorrenbacher, a student at Penn State Erie, enjoyed his run down the mat during Slides of Strength on Saturday afternoon of THON. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Fog swirls around the Morale Captains as they boost everyone's spirits and lead the THON 2014 line dance, Saturday afternoon, Feb. 22, at THON 2014. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
The Penn State Bellydance Club entertains THON 2014 dancers and supporters on Saturday, Feb. 22, at the Bryce Jordan Center. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
The Nittany Lion showed off his acrobatic skill to open the THON pep rally on Saturday night. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Basketball Coach Patrick Chambers was one of the emcees for the pep rally on Saturday night at THON. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
In spite of a valiant effort by Christian Hackenbery (#14) and his teammates, the football team failed to finish in the top three in the THON pep rally on Saturday night. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
The Penn State Dance Team kicked high during their portion of Saturday night's pep rally at THON 2014. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
Penn State's men's soccer team performed during the THON 2014 pep rally Saturday night, Feb. 22. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
For the second year in a row, the men's swimming team won the THON pep rally contest. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Nicole Mapp, a member of the Blue Band Silks, twirls her flag with the team during the THON 2014 pep rally on Saturday night, Feb. 22. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
Senior Penn State feature twirler Matt Freeman gave his last performance as a student after the pep rally Saturday night at THON. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Isabella and Jack Messina of State College performed 'Sweet Caroline' with their dancers to an enthusiastic crowd during the Kids' Variety Show on Sunday morning at THON. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Four Diamonds family members Emily Whitehead, left, and Manna Potter had fun climbing on Krista Petrulsky, who is a Four Diamonds child and cancer survivor at THON. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
The Nittany Lion offered encouragement to a dancer in the hallway just off the dance floor on Sunday morning. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Senior Emma Gregory of State College, who is a PR captain this year, led the line dance last year. She returned to the stage Sunday afternoon to lead it once again, as Moraler alumni returned Sunday in the final hours of THON. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Penn State football Coach James Franklin stopped by THON on Sunday afternoon to offer words of encouragement and inspiration to the dancers. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Four Diamonds founder Charles Millard and his daughter, Stacia Millard-Bird, addressed the dancers shortly before the end of THON 2014 on Sunday. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Cindy Howe hugs her son, Gavin, 7, as the crowd sings "Angels Among Us" in memory of those THON children who left us too soon during Family Hour on Sunday of THON. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
A Moraler is tossed in the air during the final hours of THON on Sunday. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
The various committee directors led the last line dance of THON 2014 on Sunday afternoon. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
As soon as THON ended and the arena emptied out on Sunday afternoon, students got busy tearing things down at the Bryce Jordan Center. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON raises another record total for Four Diamonds. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Gabrielle Tollok, a member of the THON Rules & Regulations Committee and a senior rehabilitation and human services major from Bucks County, right, attached a bracelet to Brenna Nicosia of State College, a communications major who is at THON in support of Gamma Phi Beta. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
The doors are open at the Bryce Jordan Center and the arena is filling up in advance of the start of THON 2014. Tyler Hoge of Erie, a junior studying finance, was one of the first spectators through the door. He's attending THON in support of Pillar. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Sharmila Sandirasegarane and the rest of the 708 dancers arrived at the Bryce Jordan Center through a human tunnel in advance of the start of THON 2014. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Logan Bryan, 4, son of Crystal Bryan of Lititz, cuddles with the Nittany Lion before the start of THON. Crystal was a THON child, and now is counted among the survivors of childhood cancer. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
The Penn State Dance Alliance performed during Pre-THON on Friday, Feb. 21, at the Bryce Jordan Center. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Ryan Patrick and other members of the 2014 THON Executive Committee gave the countdown Feb. 21 to kick off THON. Credit: Bill Zimmerman / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON Moralers did the line dance to show the dancers the moves before they learned the steps Friday, Feb. 21, at the Bryce Jordan Center. The 21 on the backs of the Moralers stands for 20 Moraler captains and 1 Moraler director. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON 2014 kicked off Feb. 21 with lots of games in the Bryce Jordan Center. Credit: Bill Zimmerman / Penn State. Creative Commons
High in the stands of Penn State's Bryce Jordan Center, supporters show their diamonds to encourage the dancers on the floor as they kick off THON 2014 and 46 hours of no-sitting, no-sleeping dancing to fight pediatric cancer. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON participants snapped away at the start of Penn State's THON 2014 on Feb. 21. Credit: Bill Zimmerman / Penn State. Creative Commons
Dancers practiced the line dance Feb. 21 at THON 2014. Credit: Bill Zimmerman / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON child Kaylahni Laboy, 5, squirts water into a crowd of dancers as Penn State Junior Jill Kile spins her around in the Bryce Jordan Center arena Friday during THON 2014's kickoff. Credit: Michelle Bixby / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON Moraler Meredith Moore, a Penn State senior, leads her dancer, Penn State senior Dan Gomez, through the Bryce Jordan Center arena Friday. Credit: Michelle Bixby / Penn State. Creative Commons
Dancers syncronize the Four Diamonds hand signal during the line dance Friday at the Bryce Jordan Center after THON 2014 kicked off. Credit: Michelle Bixby / Penn State. Creative Commons
Moralers pump up the energy on the floor a few hours into THON Friday. Credit: Michelle Bixby / Penn State. Creative Commons
Four Diamonds Family twins Amarie and Alexis Gerenas take a ride on the shoulders of ATLAS members Kevin Cass and Clara Etter, Friday night during THON 2014 at the Bryce Jordan Center. ATLAS is a special interest student group that raises funds for THON. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
Distinguished by their colorful hats, the "American Shawtys" -- one of the THON 2014 operations teams -- empty trash receptacles on Friday night. Operations is responsible for keeping the Bryce Jordan Center clean and tidy for everyone during the weekend. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON kids Mikayla Miller, front, and her sister, Raeann, toss beach balls with each other and their younger sister, Miranda, as the dancing gets under way Friday night at the Bryce Jordan Center for THON 2014. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON child Kaitlin Buser watches the stage as her father, Vincent, carries her on his shoulders, during the THON 2014 kickoff Friday night at the Bryce Jordan Center. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
Penn State majorette Jen Chelko, left, shows moraler Emma Wilson, a junior in psychology from Hershey, Pa., and dancer Audrey Zanath, a Penn State Beaver sophomore in secondary education in English from Aliquippa, Pa., how to twirl batons on Friday night at THON 2014. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
At mail call on the morning of Feb. 22, THON dancers received care packages full of photos, letters of encouragement, games and other items to help pass the time at the 46-hour dance marathon. Credit: Bill Zimmerman / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON dancers hit the Slides of Strength -- a slide on a baby powdered-mat with a brief massage at the end -- Feb. 22 at the Bryce Jordan Center. Credit: Bill Zimmerman / Penn State. Creative Commons
Members of the THON 2014 Operations Committee kept the Bryce Jordan Center dancefloor clean Feb. 22. Credit: Bill Zimmerman / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON dancers fueled up during the morning of Feb. 22 at Day 2 of THON 2014. Credit: Bill Zimmerman / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON dancers continued to hone their steps for the line dance Feb. 22 at THON 2014. Credit: Bill Zimmerman / Penn State. Creative Commons
The Penn State Juggling Club provided entertainment Feb. 22 during the second day of THON 2014. Credit: Bill Zimmerman / Penn State. Creative Commons
Lion Line, Penn State's telefund organization, has been busy all weekend, calling alumni to raise money for THON. To donate, call 1-800-392-THON. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON child and aspiring Nittany Lion, Layn Burger shows he knows his stuff as he does one-handed pushups on stage during the Four Diamonds fashion show on Saturday, Feb. 22, at the Bryce Jordan Center for THON 2014. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
The crowd gets a soaking as Four Diamonds child Emma and her Army take the stage during the fashion show at THON 2014 on Saturday, Feb. 22. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON dancer Emily Rose Kinzel was led backward through the hallway by her Moraler mid-day Saturday. Walking backward takes more concentration than walking forward, so it is a technique used to help dancers when they're having difficulty during the 46-hour no-sitting, no-sleeping event held to raise money for the Four Diamonds Fund. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON dancer Taylor Metts did some coloring on Saturday afternoon. Dancers have a variety of activities throughout the weekend to keep them active and alert. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
The Nittany Lion takes Four Diamonds child Brooke Schultz, 4, of Mechanicsburg, for a twirl on stage during THON 2014 on Saturday, Feb. 22, at the Bryce Jordan Center. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON participants occupy themselves with table activites during day two of THON 2014. Credit: Michelle Bixby / Penn State. Creative Commons
Nearly 24 hours into THON, dancer David Greenberg does stretches with the help of Moraler Lori Shapiro. Credit: Michelle Bixby / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON dancer Samantha Caiarelli proudly displays her freshly shorn hair, which she donated Saturday to make wigs for kids who are undergoing cancer treatments. Credit: Michelle Bixby / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON hospitality volunteer Tatiana Waltz blows bubbles in the arena Saturday during day two of THON. Credit: Michelle Bixby / Penn State. Creative Commons
Wackadoodle the clown of Allentown hands a balloon flower to a dancer Saturday during THON 2014. Credit: Michelle Bixby / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON supporters Troy Stephens, left, and Jeremy Jordan do the Harlem Shake on the floor during their THON visitation. Credit: Michelle Bixby / Penn State. Creative Commons
Students from the College of Nursing work a medical station just off the floor at THON. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Blue Band member and THON dancer Madeline Larson takes a direct hit from a squirt gun as her father, Dan Larson, looks on, Saturday afternoon at THON. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
While everyone else was cheering on those running down the mats during Slides of Strength, Four Diamonds family member Evan Lightner, 4, of Carlisle, had fun drawing in the powder. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON dancer Wesley Dorrenbacher, a student at Penn State Erie, enjoyed his run down the mat during Slides of Strength on Saturday afternoon of THON. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Fog swirls around the Morale Captains as they boost everyone's spirits and lead the THON 2014 line dance, Saturday afternoon, Feb. 22, at THON 2014. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
The Penn State Bellydance Club entertains THON 2014 dancers and supporters on Saturday, Feb. 22, at the Bryce Jordan Center. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
The Nittany Lion showed off his acrobatic skill to open the THON pep rally on Saturday night. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Basketball Coach Patrick Chambers was one of the emcees for the pep rally on Saturday night at THON. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
In spite of a valiant effort by Christian Hackenbery (#14) and his teammates, the football team failed to finish in the top three in the THON pep rally on Saturday night. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
The Penn State Dance Team kicked high during their portion of Saturday night's pep rally at THON 2014. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
Penn State's men's soccer team performed during the THON 2014 pep rally Saturday night, Feb. 22. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
For the second year in a row, the men's swimming team won the THON pep rally contest. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Nicole Mapp, a member of the Blue Band Silks, twirls her flag with the team during the THON 2014 pep rally on Saturday night, Feb. 22. Credit: Laura Waldhier / Penn State. Creative Commons
Senior Penn State feature twirler Matt Freeman gave his last performance as a student after the pep rally Saturday night at THON. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Isabella and Jack Messina of State College performed 'Sweet Caroline' with their dancers to an enthusiastic crowd during the Kids' Variety Show on Sunday morning at THON. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Four Diamonds family members Emily Whitehead, left, and Manna Potter had fun climbing on Krista Petrulsky, who is a Four Diamonds child and cancer survivor at THON. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
The Nittany Lion offered encouragement to a dancer in the hallway just off the dance floor on Sunday morning. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Senior Emma Gregory of State College, who is a PR captain this year, led the line dance last year. She returned to the stage Sunday afternoon to lead it once again, as Moraler alumni returned Sunday in the final hours of THON. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Penn State football Coach James Franklin stopped by THON on Sunday afternoon to offer words of encouragement and inspiration to the dancers. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Four Diamonds founder Charles Millard and his daughter, Stacia Millard-Bird, addressed the dancers shortly before the end of THON 2014 on Sunday. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
Cindy Howe hugs her son, Gavin, 7, as the crowd sings "Angels Among Us" in memory of those THON children who left us too soon during Family Hour on Sunday of THON. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
A Moraler is tossed in the air during the final hours of THON on Sunday. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
The various committee directors led the last line dance of THON 2014 on Sunday afternoon. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
As soon as THON ended and the arena emptied out on Sunday afternoon, students got busy tearing things down at the Bryce Jordan Center. Credit: Annemarie Mountz / Penn State. Creative Commons
THON, the largest student-run philanthropy in the world, is a yearlong annual fundraising and awareness campaign for the fight against pediatric cancer.
All funds raised through the efforts of more than 15,000 Penn State student volunteers benefit the Four Diamonds Fund at Penn State Hershey Medical Center. The Four Diamonds Fund assists children being treated for cancer and their families through superior care, comprehensive support and innovative research that impacts and improves cancer treatments around the world.
In addition, Penn State students host Four Diamonds Families during THON Weekend, held Feb. 21-23 this year at the Bryce Jordan Center, the annual celebration that caps the yearlong fundraising effort. THON Weekend gives children and their families who are fighting and have survived pediatric cancer the opportunity to take their minds off their health challenges, have fun, connect with other Four Diamonds families and enjoy Penn State students' support.
The THON 2014 theme, "Redefine the Possibilities," serves as a call to action, "a promise to each other and ourselves to create a better world," according to the THON 2014 executive committee's statement. "THON is, and always will be, an organization that overcomes challenges, defies stereotypes, and redefines its possibilities for the benefit of the children and families of the Four Diamonds Fund."
Since 1977, THON has raised more than $114 million for the Four Diamonds Fund in the fight to conquer pediatric cancer. More information about THON is available at online.
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