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Presentation focuses on best practices in information literacy

Delivered at LOEX, the premier information literacy conference in the library profession

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- Information Literacy Librarian Anne Behler and Science Librarian John Meier have had a proposal accepted for presentation at LOEX 2014 Conference, “Creative Visualization: The Art of Information Literacy,” to be held in May 2014 in Michigan. Along with Education and Behavioral Sciences Librarian Ellysa Cahoy and Instructional Design Librarian John Shank, they completed a comprehensive review of the Penn State University Libraries’ information literacy program and made recommendations for a more unified and consistent approach to teaching.

Based on new professional theory and current internal practice, they outlined a vision for the next steps in a report, “Moving Forward: Envisioning Instructional Services for the Future.” Their presentation will include how best practices were used to create an efficient timeline, organize quickly, and work collaboratively with online tools.

LOEX (Library Orientation Exchange) is a self-supporting, non-profit educational clearinghouse for library instruction and information literacy initiatives. Founded in 1971, it has grown from a lending repository of library instruction materials and host of an annual conference to an internationally known organization that serves as a conduit for those working in the field of information literacy. The annual conference with published proceedings, produces LOEX Quarterly that features articles by teaching librarians and a monthly current awareness e-letter.

Penn State, through partnerships between the library and its academic departments, is a leader in information literacy initiatives that prepare its undergraduates for real world challenges. Meier notes, “LOEX is the premier information literacy conference in the library profession.  It is an honor to be accepted to such a competitive exposition.”

For more information, contact John Meier at or 814-867-1448.

Last Updated January 9, 2015
