
Penn State Hershey CNAP becomes the PRO Wellness Center

The Center for Nutrition and Activity Promotion (CNAP) at Penn State Hershey has changed its name to Penn State Hershey PRO Wellness Center, effective April 1. The change is designed to more effectively communicate the center’s offerings and expanding vision.

The center is committed to educating and inspiring children and families to eat well, engage in regular physical activity and become champions for bringing healthy choices to life. The center’s approach of prevention, research and outreach provides schools, communities and organizations with educational programs, collaborative partnerships and access to proven wellness interventions.The center will continue to operate under its normal structure and points of contact will remain unchanged. Visit the new website at pennstatehershey.org/PROwellness. Follow the center on Facebook at www.facebook.com/PennStateHersheyPROWellness.

Last Updated April 10, 2013
