Faculty and Staff News of Record: Promotions Oct. 16, 2008


Charlton F. Allen, utility worker in Hospitality Services

Vicki L. Aults, dining hall worker A in Housing and Food Services

Mary B. Caldana, stock truck driver in Office of Physical Plant

Brenda Catherman, mail courier in Business Services

Matthew Chirdon, technician television and electric A in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

Glenn A. Clouser,
test track driver in College of Engineering

Michael Devine, groundskeeper landscape A at Penn State Erie

Scott Garvey, maintenance worker, utility in Office of Physical Plant

Patricia A. Grasty, maintenance worker, utility at Penn State Abington

Darlene K. Gratkowski, snack bar/janitorial worker A in Housing and Food Services

Robert A. Helwig,
power plant worker in Office of Physical Plant

Deborah L. Keeler, catering attendant in Housing and Food Services

William P. Lose, general maintenance worker B in Hospitality Services

Troy J. McCurdy,
storeroom delivery assistant in Housing and Food Services

Joseph R. McMullen,
food preparer B in Housing and Food Services

Tarra L. Myers, maintenance worker utility in Office of Physical Plant

Terry A. Reilly, food service worker A in Housing and Food Services

Erin W. Seprish,
mail courier in Business Services

Jason T. Supenia, preventative maintenance worker in Office of Physical Plant

Abraham D. Wagner, meeting space attendant in Hospitality Services

Brandon J. Weaver, stock clerk/truck driver in Housing and Food Services


Suzanne Adair, senior director graduate educational equity in The Graduate School

Judith S. Ahern, staff assistant VI at Penn State Abington

Stephanie J. Andaloro,
staff assistant VI at Penn State Wilkes-Barre

Liliane Arame, staff assistant V in Hospitality Services

Melissa K. Bailey, staff assistant VI in College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

Melanie L. Bernier, associate director in Student Affairs

Ellen M. Bingham,
engineering aide in College of Engineering

Robert D. Boor, facilities coordinator in Eberly College of Science

Lori-Lynn Bower, staff assistant VII in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

Linda E. Bowersox, staff assistant VIII in Office of Investment Management

Kristi A. Bracale,
contracts and proposal specialist in College of Mediciine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

Janice M. Brown, staff assistant VII in Office of International Programs

Carole J. Brush, program assistant II at Penn State Great Valley

Nina D. Bumgarner, staff assistant VII in Eberly College of Science

Derick J. Burns, manager of publications/public relations in Information Technology Services

Frederick W. Burns,
building coordinator in Intercollegiate Athletics

Erik J. Cagle, custodial programs assistant in Office of Physical Plant

Tara M. Caimi, senior marketing associate in Information Technology Services

Conal Carr,
director of housing in Housing and Food Services

Wen-Peng Chio, information technology specialist at Penn State Great Valley

Wade Claar, programmer/analyst in Information Technology Services   

Linda S. Conrad, business manager I at Penn State Harrisburg

Tiffany Cresswell-Yeager, director of student affairs I at Penn State Lehigh Valley

Andrea L. Crews, staff assistant VII in College of the Liberal Arts

Melissa J. Cumblidge, proposal and grant assistant in Electro Optics Center

Jennie A. Daley, writer in Office of Admissions

Debra Dolan,
staff assistant VI in Hospitality Services

Joseph Donald, building coordinator in Intercollegiate Athletics

Matthew D. Donovan, programmer/analyst in Office of Physical Plant

Cecelia E. Doty, associate coordinator of grants and contracts in Office of the Senior Vice President for Research

Marie T. English,
staff assistant VII at Penn State Abington

Jessica R. Fatica,
staff assistant VI in Hospitality Services

Christina M. Fitzgerald,
assistant to manager in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

Brian Fleury, embedded control systems engineer in Applied Research Laboratory

Kelly D. Freeman,
staff assistant VII in College of Engineering

Kimberly Furst,
senior undergraduate studies adviser at Penn State Harrisburg

Sarah B. Gannon, staff assistant VII in Office of the Vice President and Dean for Undergraduate Education

Anthony Ghaffari, system administrator in Office of the Senior Vice President for Research

Susie M. Gifford,
IRB program assistant I in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

Cathie R. Graham, staff assistant VII in College of Agricultural Sciences

Charles T. Greggs, associate director at Penn State Shenango

Meredith H. Handley,
program developer in The Smeal College of Business

Amy J. Heffelfinger, senior data manager at Penn State Harrisburg

Rachel E. Helwig,
education abroad adviser in Office of International Programs

Kevin Henry, building coordinator in Intercollegiate Athletics

Judith Hite,
business and finance assistant in Information Technology Services

Christain Houser,
senior research technologist in College of Agricultural Sciences

Vickie L. Hubbard, general manager of campus performing arts center at Penn State York

Tracey Huston,
executive director of marketing and communications in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

Nancy A. Johnson,
administrative assistant IV in Eberly College of Science

Wendy Johnson, staff assistant V in Hospitality Services

Martha H. Jordan,
director of outreach in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

Glenda M. Kelley, staff assistant VI at Penn State Dickinson School of Law

Amber D. Krieg, assistant director  of alumni relations at Penn State Dickinson School of Law

Lisa A. Krol,
staff assistant VI at Penn State Brandywine

Jill A. Krupilis, IRB program assistant II in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

Andrew Lawler, system design specialist in Information Technology Services

Michael J. Leiter, information technology specialist in College of Agricultural Sciences

Zhongyong Li, senior research support associate in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

Dena Linn, staff assistant VI in Student Affairs

Melinda Logan, staff assistant VII at Penn State Harrisburg

Kermit L. Long, electromechanical drafter/designer in Applied Research Laboratory

Roy A. Long, system administrator in Eberly College of Science

Brian J. Lorah, assistant health physicist in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

Kathleen Lubbers, IRB program assistant III in College of Medicine

Corey J. Lucas,
custodial services supervisor in Office of Physical Plant

Patricia J. Mc Fadden, program manager II at Penn State Great Valley

Andre R. Mcleod,
coordinator residence life in Student Affairs

Annette Meyers, staff assistant VIII in Electro Optics Center

Melissa Modar, area representative I in The Smeal College of Business

Dixie L. Montgomery, administrative assistant I in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

Janet E. Moyer,
administrative assistant II in College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

Sue E. Myers, proposal and grant assistant in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

Jason P. Nachman, staff assistant VI in College of Engineering

Robert I. Nichol, senior engineering aide in Electro Optics Center

Shawn W. O’Neill, financial aid coordinator at Penn State Shenango

Edward J. Oslosky, program coordinator in Electro Optics Center

Tanya Palovich-Scott, counselor at Penn State Altoona

Steven Peckins, research support assistant in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

Lori Pudliner,
information technology specialist in College of Agricultural Sciences

Debra A. Putt, administrative assistant IV in Eberly College of Science

Scott Reid, programmer/analyst in Information Technology Services

Alanna Roff,
research support assistant in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center 

Leigh Ryan, manager of constituent relationship management in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

Jennifer L. Sanson,
IRB program assistant I in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

Cathy M. Schwab, director of admission services and evaluations in Office of the Vice President for Undergraduate Education

Lorraine M. Serafin,
staff assistant VI in Intercollegiate Athletics

Sumathi Shanmugam,
senior technician-research in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

Patty Shertzer, administrative assistant IV in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

Kathleen M. Shishko,
staff assistant V at Penn State Abington

Amy M. Shultz, staff assistant VI in College of Agricultural Sciences

Norrine E. Sims, advising program coordinator in College of Arts and Architecture

June K. Smith, financial aid and veterans assistant at Penn State Altoona

Shannan B. Smith-Janik, clinical service provider in Student Affairs

Lorna G. Spearly, staff assistant VII in Office of the Physical Plant

Joey L. Stewart,
advising/counseling assistant in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

Susan E. Stout, administrative assistant I in Office of International Audits

Katherine Swanger,
staff assistant VII in Housing and Food Services

Kimberly A. Swistock, conference coordinator in College of Agricultural Sciences

Keva M. Tranzor,
special events assistant in College of Information Science and Technology

Noelle Waggett,
administrative assistant I in College of Health and Human Development

Mary L. Wellar,
accounting assistant II in Office of Physical Plant

Kira E. Wert, staff assistant VI in Hospitality Services

Sue E. Witherite,
administrative assistant III in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

Qin Zhu, senior research support associate in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center




Last Updated March 19, 2009
