Student Affairs

Q&A from the Registrar: What is a Degree Audit?

Q&A from the Registrar: What is a Degree Audit?

The Penn State Degree Audit is a computer-generated report that matches the degree requirements of an undergraduate degree program with the course work that the student has taken. The audit identifies those graduation requirements fulfilled as well as those requirements still needing to completed prior to graduation. The audit report aims to provide each student and his/her adviser with a degree-progress monitoring tool to assist in academic planning and appropriate course scheduling each semester. Students can obtain an audit of their current major or explore other majors by seeing how their completed course work matches with the requirements of other majors. Degree audits can be obtained from:

-- eLion (
-- advisers
-- campus registrars' offices
-- academic departments or college deans' offices

Last Updated March 19, 2009