
Video highlights Penn State's No. 1 ranking among corporate recruiters

University Park, Pa. — While a wealth of rankings and surveys annually give Penn State high marks, one recent ranking reflecting students' career prospects after graduation has the University rated the best in the nation.

In its special "Paths to Professions" section on Sept. 13, the Wall Street Journal published results of a survey of 479 corporate recruiting executives in nearly 30 industries, with Penn State named the No. 1 overall institution in the nation for producing the best prepared, most well-rounded graduates who are most able to succeed once hired.

"Since that story ran in September, I can't tell you how many leaders in higher education and business have remarked on the value of that ranking," Penn State President Graham Spanier told the University's Board of Trustees Friday (Nov. 5). "Given today's tough economic climate and the challenging job search environment, I'm pleased to share that good news with students, families and of course, prospective employers."

The ranking now will be highlighted in a 30-second television spot airing on national networks throughout the coming months. To see the video, visit /video/163097/2013/02/09/video-no-title.

Credit: Penn StateCreative Commons

The #1 university in your heart is also #1 with corporate recruiters. 

Last Updated November 18, 2010