Faculty and Staff

Faculty and Staff News of Record: Promotions Dec. 16, 2010


-- Jason P. Bierly, plumber-fitter in Office of Physical Plant

-- Frank A. Deitrich, maintenance worker, utility in Office of Physical Plant

-- Ryan E. Golas, dining hall worker A in Housing and Food Services

-- Joseph T. Hallahan, plumber, fitter in Office of Physical Plant

-- Troy J. McCurdy, truck driver in Applied Research Laboratory

-- Theresa M. Patrick, maintenance worker, utility in Office of Physical Plant

-- Timothy Sounders, maintenance worker, utility in Office of Physical Plant

-- Justin S. Wilkinson, maintenance worker, utility in Office of Physical Plant


-- Thomas J. Alterio, programmer analyst III in Undergraduate Education

-- Kelly N. Ball, admissions counselor III in Undergraduate Education

-- Joseph M. Battista, associate athletic director in Intercollegiate Athletics

-- Brian P. Beiswenger, information technology manager III in Information Technology Services

-- Ann L. Benko, research support associate in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

-- Melissa A. Bridi, research technician II in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

-- Valerie J. Cingle, administrative support assistant IV in Division of Development and Alumni Relations

-- Eric Cox, administrative support assistant in Housing and Food Services

-- Jill N. Cox, extension associate III in College of Agricultural Sciences

-- Matthew R. Croyle, programmer analyst II in Applied Research Laboratory

 -- Jennifer A. DeAngelo, administrative support assistant III in Division of Development and Alumni Relations

-- Dominic A. Depasquale, systems administrator III in Information Technology Services

-- Lindsey R. Eckley, administrative support assistant III in College of Engineering

-- Glenna J. Emel, instructional designer III in Information Technology Services

-- Melanie R. Epler, research technologist V in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

-- Wendy S. Fay, administrative support assistant III, in College of Information Sciences and Technology

-- Andrew N. Fisher, programmer analyst IV in Information Technology Services

-- Pamela M. Fohner, administrative support assistant III at Penn State Mont Alto

-- Jordan A. Ford, annual giving specialist II in Division of Development and Alumni Relations

-- Heather Freeland, assistant extension educator in College of Agricultural Sciences

-- Allan S. Gyorke, information technology manager III  in Information Technology Services

-- Allison M. Harvey, major gifts officer II in Division of Development and Alumni Relations

-- Debra L. Hawk, grants and contracts accountant I in Office of Corporate Controller

-- Iris E. Held, annual giving specialist II in Division of Development and Alumni Relations

-- Devon M. Herrick, major gifts officer II in Division of Development and Alumni Relations

-- Marylou R. Houck, programmer analyst III in Information Technology Services

-- Christian Houser, research support assistant in College of Agricultural Sciences

-- Ryan T. Johnson, information technology trainer III in University Libraries

-- Kerry D. Kassab, executive housekeeper in Hospitality Services

-- David K. Koelle, accountant aide in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

-- Donald M. Lenze, major gifts officer IV in Division of Development and Alumni Relations

-- Susan Y. Matty, programmer analyst III in Information Technology Services

-- Lisa L. Mellott, administrative support coordinator IV in Office of the President

-- Cecelia B. Merkel, information research and services specialist V in College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

-- Melissa J. Nicholson, administrative support assistant II in College of Agricultural Sciences

-- Rachel J. Patterson, library supervisor II in Penn State Dickinson School of Law

-- Sara L. Peterson, administrative support assistant in College of Earth and Mineral Sciences

-- Nicole L. Potoczny, major gifts officer III in Division of Development and Alumni Relations

-- Melanie Schuster, programmer analyst VI in Information Technology Services

-- Kimberly J. Smith, administrative support coordinator V in College of the Liberal Arts

-- Dawn E. Van Bramer, information technology trainer III in Information Technology Services

-- Ryan S. Wellar, information technology specialist III in College of Agricultural Sciences





















Last Updated December 16, 2010